Passion drives us.
Instar is a service created by InkBlot Art LLC for creators to sell their commissions, digital downloads, memberships and more. Supporters can subscribe to the creator and receive exclusive content.
Creators can also use Instar as a tip jar system, commission service and more.Instar will be an integration to InkBlot, a social network for creatives. It is in closed beta at this time for our supporters, backers, and Pro members.

One for All.

We have 6 different payment processors. We strive to make sure that everyone can share their work with the world and have supporters from every corner of it.

Our Commission? 4%. Thats it.

We take a commission of 4% on all transactions except donations.0% if you sub to a pro membership through InkBlot exclusively (Pro+ Tier)Why so competitive? Well InkBlot is community funded. We don't have investors or VCs make money for. We are doing this for our community.
We only ask for little percentage to keep operations going and pay the humans that keep us functional.


We are dedicated to everyone in our community, no matter the content they post. Instar allows for SFW and NSFW creatives.No. We don't look at your other socials/sites. Whatever you post on our site is the only thing we can moderate.

Our Content Guidelines

Our Content Guidelines follow the same as InkBlot. Because this system will be integrated, it will hold the same guidelines.Read Them Here

Donations/Tip Jar

Supporters or Fans can send support for your work! Let them show you love the best way the know possibleThey don't need an account in order to do so.

Commissions & Digital Downloads

Whether its art commissions, videos, animations or digital downloads. We got you covered.Files will be downloadable from the site after purchase. Or get in touch with the supporter after for a commission! Your Dashboard will keep you on track.Supporters do not need an account to purchase.

Memberships/Subscription System

Weekly, Monthly, or Annual Memberships can be offered to your supporters.Be in control of what tiers you offer and how much! Get paid using any of our available payment providers.Supporters can make an Instar account to subscribe.

Does my supporters need an account to purchase or tip ?

No. Anyone can purchase with or without an account.

Will Instar be its own website?

No. It will only be a service made to be built into InkBlot at a later time.Only Creators will need an InkBlot account to make an instar page.Supporters will NOT need an inkblot account.

Why Closed Beta?

We want to test out all the processes. Get Feedback from our Community. And move towards release for InkBlot. This is our final stage for InkBlot before it goes into Public release! once we nail this part and integrate, InkBlot will be released out of Open Beta!

How does it Compare

SiteDonations/Tip JarSubscriptionsCommissionsDigital DownloadsSite FeesSFW & NSFW ContentPayment Providers
Instar4% + Processing Fees or 0% + processing fees (w/ InkBlot Pro+)Credit Card, Paypal, Stripe, RazorPay, , Paystack, Iyzico, Bank Transfer
PatreonXXX5-12% + Processing FeesBank Transfer , Credit Card, Venmo, Paypal, Sofort, Apple Pay
Ko-fi5% + Processing Fees FeesxPaypal, Stripe
SubscribeStarXX5% + Processing Fees FeesDropp, Credit Card
Buy me a coffee5% + Processing Fees FeesXCredit Card, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google pay, UPI

Ready to join our waitlist?

We are prioritzing our users first. Meaning Kickstarter Backers, Pro members and supporters on our Kofi/Patreon will get early access first.You can still join this waitlist but you might not be first.

© InkBlot Art LLC. All rights reserved.

Thank you for your interest!
Instar releases in April 2023. Please follow our socials for more and emails for when your account is ready.
REMEMBER TO CHECK OPT IN EMAIL PLEASE!Please give us a RT or tag us on our socials to share the good news!